Hazelwood West -- Makin' Tracks

Front: Makin' Tracks Through the 90's
Back: I'm The Reason West Is Best
I was in a community service organization in high school -- the Hazelwood West VIPs. I got this shirt during my Sophomore year in 1992. Old school.
I used to think this was a pretty neat shirt. You know, school pride and all. And it said "West is Best" on the back, which was something our H.S. said to the other Hazelwood high schools (East is Least, Central is Mental.) Now I look at it and I think "why did I like this shirt so much?"
Oh, well. West is still best, beeotch.
love it, can't get enough of it. popps - YOU are the reason West is Best!
(putting on my best cheerleader voice) if you're rooting for the Wildcats, say GO!
Ahh. Memories. I should dig out some of my old theater shirts for you.
PS-I'm an idiot because I linked my name to MB's blog and not my own. I've linked correctly this time.
wow. just wow.
West is hoosier! HAWK POWER!!!!!!!
tee hee!
We got what what what what whatwhatwhatwhatwhatwhatwhat ....
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